Accreditation & Faith

Yahweh Christian Fellowship are a registered UK charity 1059975 and are accredited by:

Churches In Communities International through which we are represented by the Free Churches Group who are members of Churches Together UK (Tel. 020 8460 5000)

A Child Protection organisation for which the church has an obligation to implements its guidelines and objectives.

Statement of Faith

THE GODHEAD (Matthew 28:19)
We believe that there is one true God, who is distinct in scripture as The FATHER, The SON and The HOLY SPIRIT, who are co-equal and one in essence.

SALVATION (John 3:16,17)
We believe that Jesus Christ is the SON of the living God, the only saviour of the world. Through Him we believe that we receive forgiveness of our sins, everlasting life and everything that pertains to life and righteous living.

THE HOLY SPIRIT (John 14:16,17)
We believe and accept the workings of the Holy Spirit in the world and within the body of Christ, which results in the exalting and proclaiming of Jesus Christ as LORD. We believe that the Holy Spirit sovereignly imparts, manifests and empowers the believer with various grace gifts and supernatural abilities in order for us to carry out our God given mandate on earth.

THE GLORIOUS AND PERFECT CHURCH (Ephesians 4:11-16 and Ephesians 5:26, 27)
We believe that the bible is the inspired Word of God and through its application will result in the perfection of the entire body of Christ. In light of our dependence upon the Word of God, we are committed to acknowledging and receiving the various ministries given to the body of Christ for the equipping of the saints and the advancement of its mission on earth.

THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST (1 Thessalonians 4:14-18)
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return to receive and carry away His worldwide church to be with him in Heaven and then to reign with him on a new earth.

The BIBLE (2nd Timothy Ch3 Vs 16-17)
We believe that the Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of God and with the correct application, will provide the Christian with wisdom, instruction and guidance. We generally uses the New Kings James Version for preaching & Teaching.

We believe that that there is a Heaven and a Hell. (Luke Ch12 Vs 5)
As Christians we have the promise and hope of heaven. We believe therefore that the scriptures have made a distinction between those that will inherit Heaven as a place of comfort and peace and those that will go to hell as a place of judgment and punishment. The scriptures make it clear that God’s desire is for none to perish but for all to come to everlasting life (1Thess 5:9).